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The man named Zomahoun


This is the profile data of Zomahoun. Here, you can see his activities including past awards he has gotten, or information of elementary schools he had built in the past.


This is a speech that Zomahoun made and get an academic award by Junior Chamber International (JCI) in Barcelona in 2001. Also you can read other speeches made by Zomahoun.


This is the all data that Zomahoun's activities have been featured on TV or other domestic and overseas broadcasting company. We'd like you to check it out.

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2012:08:01:00:00:00 was renewed. was renewed on 1st of August, 2012. We are hoping you will understand and support the activities of Zomahoun.


Japan Day is hold in Takeshi Japanese Language School

Japan Day is hold every year in Takeshi Japanese Language School in Cotonou, the Republic of Benin, West Africa. This event which introduces the country of Japan and Japanese culture to Beninese people is hold for the purpose of promoting friendship between the two countries. This event was reported by Beninese newspaper "La Nation" on 28th of December, 2009.


Zomahoun got the Prize for Social Contribution

On 24th of Nov., 2009, Mr.Zomahoun got the Prize for Socail Contribution. The commendation ceremony of this prize was held in ANA Inter Continental Hotel in Tokyo by the Foundation for Encouragement of Social Contribution (FESCO). Zomahoun was given a public recognition to his long-term activities in his country, Benin, West Africa, such as building public elementary schools and a Japanese language school, cultivating the farm, inviting Beninese students to Japan and so on.

Zomahoun, from bottom of his heart, expressed the deepest gratitude for the people who supported IFE and his activities.

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